lululemon Holiday Events

Bolder was tasked with developing a unique visual identity for the two largest markdown events in the Lululemon calendar: Black Friday / Cyber Monday, and End-of-Year.

Working closely with lululemon's internal creative team, the challenge was to create distinct yet cohesive visual styles for the two events. Black Friday / Cyber Monday visuals would incorporate elements linking to the main Holiday campaign, while the End-of-Year event required a fresh, standalone creative approach to generate excitement for the New Year, detached from the holiday season.

A significant aspect of this project was ensuring that while the two events had unique visual identities, they still felt related and recognizable as part of the same brand initiative. Additionally, the assets needed to be versatile enough for use across various platforms, including static .com ads, promotional videos, social content, and email GIFs.

Final delivery consisted of over 1,700 unique individual assets, with Black Friday being the best performing day in lululemon's history.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday

With two distinct colorways developed for the key moments during the markdown events, great care was taken in texturing and lighting to ensure the visuals were striking and high quality.

Oversized renders were produced that could be used in multiple crops and positions, proving to be flexible and versatile for various formats and platforms.

Given that guests are flooded with messaging during these peak moments, the creative was designed to stand out from the clutter, capturing attention and driving engagement.

End-of-Year Event

Focusing on the emotive and sensory elements of the Lululemon experience, the renders accentuated the soft feel, luxury quality, and fresh start to the new year. Visuals were crafted to evoke a sense of renewal and rejuvenation, capturing the essence of transitioning into a new year with positivity and energy.

As before, oversized renders were produced to allow maximum flexibility during the delivery stage of the project.


Initial Ideation & Development

Throughout the project Milanote was used to allow a free and collaborative work flow between Bolder and the lululemon creative team.

3D Texture Development

Different layers and materializations were experimented with to create textures that interacted with light in interesting and visually pleasing ways. By exploring various combinations of surface properties, we were able to achieve a rich and dynamic visual experience. This meticulous approach to texture development ensured that the final renders were not only striking but also captured the luxurious quality and tactile essence of the lululemon brand.

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Development Renders

For the Black Friday and Cyber Monday events, the 3D development work needed to visually link to the wider holiday campaign while maintaining two distinct versions for each of the main activations. 

These visuals were designed to work effectively in both static and motion design, providing flexibility and consistency across various formats and platforms. By aligning the renders with the holiday campaign, we reinforced brand identity and created a unified, engaging experience for lululemon's audience.

End-of-Year Development Renders

The end-of-year visual development required a fresh aesthetic that broke away from the holiday season, offering a rejuvenating look forward to the year ahead. The visuals were designed to be both tactile and emotive, capturing the essence of renewal and new beginnings. 

By focusing on sensory elements, we emphasized the soft feel and luxurious quality associated with lululemon, while also conveying a sense of excitement and optimism for the New Year. This distinct approach ensured that the End-of-Year campaign stood out, providing a refreshing and inspiring experience for lululemon’s audience.

Project Delivery
Bolder utilized Figma to collaborate, prototype, test, and manage version control directly with the lululemon creative team. This tool allowed for seamless communication and real-time updates, ensuring that all stakeholders were aligned throughout the project. 

By using Figma, Bolder were able to manage, test, and check over 1,700 different deliverable assets, including static images, GIFs, and video files. This collaborative approach facilitated quick iterations, efficient feedback gathering, and precise design adjustments. As a result, we ensured that the final assets met lululemon’s standards and expectations, and could be easily adapted for various formats and platforms.

Client - lululemon athletica
CGI & Production: Bolder Creative
Bolder Creative team:
Creative Direction - David Farquharson
Art Direction - Peter Richards
3D & Motion Design - Charlie Ellis, Nacho Miró, Steve Jones
Sound Design - Bolder Creative & Sound Canvas
Producer: Sophia Lengui


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